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Yuniverse Speaks was birthed because of my strong desire
to connect the Collective with the Energetic World.
With every crystal or product that I send out, I send along with it my intention for it to bring you the message and aid to help you establish or strengthen your self sovereignty.

Remember that at the root of it, it is only you, that can take the steps and actions to manifest a life that your soul desires.

Sending you love, light and blessings - YY


SOUL REALIGNMENT® - BASIC; Shifting into your DNA

Energy Exchange of $688.00


Zoom Call is recommended if you tend to be on-the-go and require calls beyond studio's hours. If not I will recommend for you to come down to the studio, the space been energetically activated for you to tune in and able to understand yourself at a deeper level. It is might also be easier for clients that wishes to discusss private matters w/o family members or distractions from children. 

You will receive

1. In-depth report + 21 days of Homework in PDF form (This is ALOT of information around 19-24 pages, it’s in PDF form so you can re-read and digest it over and over again)

2. A follow-up zoom call x 3 - 60 minutes call |In-person sessions, will be 3-4 session physically at the Studio

3. Email support over 21 days of homework (extended if you need to repeat your homework).

***Will be happy to answer any additional queries BUT if your questions are either very urgent, in-depth ( a new soul wounding discovery) or require more than  10 minutes of my time- it’s recommended for you to book additional zoom follow up sessions while i open your records). 

What will be covered in the session

With your permission, i will open your Akashic Records. I use a short minute meditation i learnt from my Higher Self to enter into the Akashic Records. My style is for me to access a building called the Akashic Records and even entering the grounds of it, i often already start receiving information through emotions, visions or design-structure of the building. These informations are symbolic and hold clues as to what we will be examining ongoing. 

You will find answers for your Soul DNA (Energy Centers and Analysis) which is the key to how you co-create and transform, it never changes regardless of your incarnations. An acknowledgement of your Divine Gifts.

We will then explore your Soul Origin (your first incarnation) as these characteristics will be deeply embedded in your subconscious. 

You will also be provided a detailed analysis on your Connection to Source, your Spheres of Protection and your Manifestation Rate

In the realignment part where i will be finding and discovering your blockages to truth and self-expression, i will be clearing any Negative Etheric Implants, Negative Spirit Guides, Negative thoughtforms, Vows, Contracts, Curses, Bargains and your Karmic debts.

Lastly, i will also help restore any damage to your Auric Field and close out/disconnect any Negative Portals that you are traveling to. I will also highlight one Soul Narrative that should be released for your highest good that have the largest negative influence.

You will also be given a 21 days homework after the energetic clearing and it is mandatory for you to complete it. 

Often one is able to find answers as to why you may feel chronically exhausted or tired or triggered. You might also find answers for your compulsive habits or tendencies to repeat a habit you feel comforted in but it isn’t serving you. This session often help one to release dysfunctional habit or pattern you are ready to clear and achieve a greater knowing of self and how to co-create in a manner that supports you in thriving and growing limitlessly. 

For homework- a white candle will be required

***Note that you are able to clear more per session as your consciousness rate increases, as the energetic clearing will result you cellular changes too so your higher self will only allow me to access what’s ready for release at this immediate moment for your intention you determined and for your highest good. 

***Will be happy to answer any additional queries BUT if your questions are either very urgent, in-depth ( a new soul wounding discovery) or require more than  10 minutes of my time- it’s recommended for you to book additional zoom follow up sessions while i open your records). Or it will be better for you to consider doing an add-on

 Soul Realignment® Sessions can assist you in choosing a healthier path and making congruent choices consciously so you can reach your highest potential and live an abundant life.

You will be provided a Divine Path Magick Candle for your realignment homework, 1 chakra spray and 1 magick roller to assist you during your journey. 



Kindly be aware when making transactions on the Yuniverse Speaks website, except through paynow/paylah, there is an additional fee of 5% to 10%. This fee goes towards payment gateway companies and Shopify. We invite you to select the payment method that aligns with your preference and convenience while shopping with us. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support.

Our Testimonials are being imported from Instagram at this moment.

You can find reviews here , here  , here and here from Instagram highlights. 

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I realised every night i spray aura spray before zzz, i dream dream. BTW, your abundance spray is nice to attract clients at my shop. Hahaha though i use it discreetly


Hello YY! I received the parcel today and omg I love everything! The spray smells amazing as well as the crystals are beautiful and I love that they are pocket sized so I can carry them with me anytime! 😋 I’m really grateful that u hosted this giveaway! In the afternoon, i was actually feeling very mind block and like no energy, and then your parcel came. I immediately open it and I can alr feel the energies of the crystals. I tend to receive energies slower, but this time round, when I hold the moldavite, I could immediately feel the energies and my heart starts to beat very fast and there’s a sensation around my stomach area. Super magical. And also, YY I’m super thankful for the hardwork and effort u put in for the PDF. I just read it, and it really brought me to a new perspective and taught me what to amend with my current mindset. It really got me analysing and thinking about many things in my current life, and I love that HAHAH ☺️ I’m really sososo thankful YY ❤️


Hello YY, so sorry I’m not sure how to address you. I’m B—— (edited for privacy)! 😊 I’ve been so swamped with work and didn’t get the time to drop u a note to let you know that I’ve received my package. Thank you so much for the additional gifts. Your package smelled absolutely divine!!! There was so much energy emitting from the tiff stone that I could feel these sensations running down from my hands, to my elbow and arm! I’ve purchased many crystals but this is the first that I’ve felt such strong vibrations.. so much so that I think I even started palpitating a little! Well, it was a very good feeling that made me feel very happy. I wanted to thank you especially for the note. You must have spent so much time to do that. I love how you articulate your thoughts and interpretations. I am very new to all this and only just started picking up books to read up on auras. The novice me picked up a faint tinge of blue-violet on my own aura and I dismissed it as some sort of hallucination. Lol. So when u mentioned my aura being Purple. I was just stoked! Anyway, won’t take up any more of your time. I just wanted to thank you for the very special and precious reading that you did. The tiff stone is a beauty. 🥰😍🤩 thank you!


Thank you so much for your message YY. I love it as i can relate to it very well. N i wanna let u know how amazing u are. I just did a chakra test not Long ago- ur just like a chakra machine lol I told my husband about u and now he wants a reading too


Ahh i actually got the aura and evil eye sprays from you!~ and i used them both last night + the incantation you provided. Used the evil eye spray on both feet like you recommended. And i managed to sleep through the night. For the whole week prior to yesterday, i kept waking up around 3-5am ish and my sleep kept getting disrupted. So I’m really thankful!! Will keep using it and hope it keeps working! Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world <3


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New Moon in Virgo 3rd September 2024

New Moon in Virgo 3rd September 2024

Greetings, beloved soul! Purpose: This ritual is designed to help you harness the potent energies of the New Moon in Aquarius to release resistance and perfectionism, and open yourself to acceptance, healing, and growth. Materials Needed: One candle  A bowl of water (representing emotional flow and cleansing) A small mirror (symbolizing self-reflection and release) A feather or small fan (representing lightness and release) A grounding stone (such...

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Full Moon in Aquarius 20th August 2024

Full Moon in Aquarius 20th August 2024

Greetings, beloved soul! Purpose: This ritual is designed to help you harness the potent energies of the Full Moon in Aquarius for radical transformation, future preparation, and deepening your connections. The focus will be on embracing bold changes with courage while balancing your personal freedom with collective responsibility. Materials Needed:- Full Moon Candle (preferably an August monthly candle, white or light blue, symbolising clarity, protection,...

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Pre-Full Moon in Aquarius 20th August DIY Ritual

Pre-Full Moon in Aquarius 20th August DIY Ritual

Greetings, beloved soul. In this powerful Full Moon in Aquarius ritual, we focus on releasing deep-seated feelings of stress, self-doubt, and emotional entanglements that keep you from living authentically. We will incorporate visualisation, candles, and crystals to help guide you through detoxing these energies and replacing them with affirmations that support your true path.  This ritual encourages you to release the belief that you are...

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