Energy Exchange of $29.90 Energy Exchange of $29.90
Immune-Ize is designed to aid those in need of immediate and long-term immune support. It works to strengthen the initial immune response by promoting blood circulation and stimulation of white blood cells in the lymph. It can be used by those looking to avoid getting sick and also by those who are attempting to recover from illness through promoting a strong immune system and protecting against microbial invasion and attacks microbes that have already taken up residence in the body, including fighting against bacterial and viral conditions, and can open up nasal passages, helps protect against cold and flu, upper respiratory infections, thin mucus, ease inflammation, and more.
Along with herbs, Immune-Ize contains colloidal silver, eucalyptus oil, and menthol crystals. Colloidal Silver, which has been used throughout history as an antibiotic and a disinfectant, and can kill viruses and fungi, yet leaves good bacteria in the body unharmed. Eucalyptus oil and menthol crystals have been added to open up breathing and clear the sinuses. They add a soothing, yet stimulating influence that can provide relief due to the opening of respiratory and nasal passages and the release of mucus.