Aquarian Druids Magick Oil
Energy Exchange of $47.00 Energy Exchange of $47.00
Magick Oils will work differently for everyone and depending on your intention/your casting/ your energy and how you work the intention, spell or ritual; results will come at different speeds. Remember that everybody is different and everyone work and reacts with energy differently. Magick is infinite, if you do not place a limitation in your mind then your power shall also be infinite. Do not use the oils mindlessly. Live magick, breathe magick, and make everything magick. After all, You Are Magick. Though some aspects of the spiritual world focus on Divine Truth energy only, there's no singular way or 1-way-only to work with the oils. You should intuitively craft or create a practice closest to your Soul DNA.
Aquarian Druids Magick Oil
This was inspired from working and communicating with Aquarian Druids.
Working with this oil can upon them. I've also written down 1 body tuning, 1 energy cleansing and 1 meditation exercise shared by them. As well as a short introduction of the collective Aquarian Druids energy and their sharings.
Created for
-Divination and Prophecy with highest Soul
-Working better with crystals/ Crystal Healing
-Nature Magick and connectivity with the Druids and their wisdom
-Learn to sync energy and mitigate Karma with wisdom from Aquarian Druids
Each bottle of oil is carefully handcrafted. Some herbs oils are extracted personally, the essence of it.
YOU matter the most in the usage of Magick Oils. The most IMPORTANT factor in using the oils or conducting any spell or ritual is YOU. Remember that without your energy, your time, your willpower-focus, your intentions; a magick oil will just be ... non-essential item.
You will be given a guidance sheet to work on with the specific Magick Oils. For my soul realignment clients, there's an additional sheet on how to use it in a way that supports your DNA.
Please use responsibly.
As you read these words that are being shared for this product, please respect that they may sound universal but are still co-created by myself. Feel free to digest and incorporate the essence of the knowledge that you may gain from your understanding. However, please observe our boundaries. No content should be taken out or shared without permission for energetic integrity.
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