Compared to the 1st report, where I knew I needed to make changes but couldn’t interpret the messaging and what action to take, there were more details and explanations in the 2nd report. This report also included soul energy centres which help understand how we truly are versus how we are currently thinking and acting.
I struggled a lot at the start to even comprehend and to consciously choose to think and act in a way that’s more aligned. I wasn’t very in tune with energy work nor was I familiar with healing either. My body didn’t react well as I kept feeling I needed to eat vegetable meals and constantly felt very sleepy and tired. However, I was committed to working on myself.
@Yuniversespeaks’s explanation helped me understand what I could look out for, both in negative parts about report and also being more in my own divinity. I became less affected by external triggers which negatively influenced and stressed me for months. I felt more peaceful, more connected with other humans who were the topic of discussion even when they were not physically present with me, and also did not mindlessly kill insects any more. I also understood everyone is at their own stage of their journey and had the right to choose whatever they needed to make themselves happy, even when it didn’t make sense to me. With help of the energy, I gradually came to realization what i had normalized can be as insignificant and small as cocoons appearing in my room, my thoughts on ‘this is normal’ and the people around me also think likewise when maybe it shouldn't be, and me taking tools around me for granted and not appreciating them enough.
@Yuniversespeaks also helped nudge me in the right direction, and introduced me to other people who were willing to share their experiences along our similar journeys so it didn’t feel like I was the only one experiencing challenges.
After around half a year from my 2nd alignment, I got more than what I was looking for, which was to get out of a rut I felt I was stuck in for more than a year. I managed to secure a job offer which I feel is more aligned, can connect better to crystals and even tap on some of their energy, do my part for helping the underprivileged especially during COVID, and managed to successfully clear some of my money blocks and build up side income from investments!