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26th Sept New Moon in Libra

26th Sept New Moon in Libra

This New Moon is energetically intent because it will be marking a restart in an area of your life that will be revamped- highlighting restoration of energies of order, balance, love and harmony. This Lunation will bring about newfound or higher perspectives that will attract expansive opportunities if you are motivated to take new and bolder initiatives. Explore fresh ideas around partnership, cooperation, aesthetics, fairness. Mercury Retrograde and Jupiter influence will be resulting in tension between logical vs intuitive- this is to spur the Collective towards seeing and feeling from the heart and going with the flow of expansion from the Soul. Leverage on this energy to plan, restructure, reorganise and rethink how to go towards this new expansion. Hearing additional influence will be helping you to do that deep data excavation so you can move forward with clarity towards clear and defined goals. Another positive way to leverage on this influence is to bring resolutions and release what's no longer supporting your next version. Go towards making peaceful, fair decisions and negotiations so that harmony can be restored. This Lunation can also be symbolic in signifying a new start in relationships so either it's a time to move forward with significant other half or to end things if the person no longer aligns at the same frequency. Be careful of a T square influence because signs around where you have overindulge or where imbalances exist result in the reason for disharmony. The energies of the lunation is such that the if you are acting towards creating more opportunity, but sometimes exploring too much choices can also include more difficulties. Don't let the ego runs the show.

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