Emotions Healing
Energy Exchange of $169.00 Energy Exchange of $169.00
- Have you ever understand your trigger and yet you still are so tuned into the dysfunctional pattern of reacting?
- Are there situations or people around you that somehow able to engage or bring out the worst in you?
- Are there situations you tend to avoid or people you shy away from because you do not trust yourself to deal with it?
- Do you automatically just accept limiting factors and assume why your peers are able to succeed?
- Are you truly energetic and joyful?v Do you find yourself caught up in cycles of past issues repeating over and over again?
- Do you feel tired all the time and just chalk it up to getting older?
- Do you feel anxious and disconnected from others?
Every stressful moment you have had, every negative emotion you have felt, every physical discomfort you have experienced is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level. It is in your muscles, it is in your organs, your connective tissue, your joints. Our body is a living history that keeps a record of every physical and emotional trauma or injury ever experienced in this lifetime and from what you have inherited from your ancestor lineage.
Why is it important to release?
As you navigate through life since the beginning of conception in your physical body in your Mother’s womb, you start to feel discomfort as you experience “objects/situations” that cause resistance to your divine blueprint either through your cording with Mother or through experiences of life. Discomfort of any kind causes a disruption of the natural flow of energy throughout the body. Discomfort becomes resistance. Resistance is opposite to how we naturally wish to be: happy and healthy versus unhappy and unhealthy. When resistance occurs, it creates an imbalance in the transformation between matter and energy.
When you allow me to help you to release trapped emotions, your subconscious will gradually reframe and rewire and sync with your cognitive bias to increase awareness and to make you become more conscious of what to “react” and “respond” in the physical world 3D to restore back physical and emotional balance. As emotions are released, connected physical or emotional challenges often improve or become more manageable. This is because you respond differently and this affects those around you in a positive way. As everything is energy, that includes you, me and everyone else, we are all connected. Going on this understanding, when you change yourself, you send ripples out into the collective, this in turn helps others to change and evolve. Everyone sends out ripples. Trapped emotions and traumas can prevent you from living the life you could be living.
How many sessions do I need?
A single session will begin the process of releasing trapped emotions; and often with adequate awareness and attention, people do notice shifts in how they feel right away. However, the more sessions you do, the more layers of trapped emotions are released. This is a process, so multiple sessions are recommended as you may be removing the same trapped emotion of many layers in ongoing sessions. The more layers of trapped emotions you release, the more you become who you were meant to be, the True You.
Recommended 3 full sessions for more permanence result and to have a break of 3 days minimum between each session to allow the detoxing of emotions. I do not recommend release of imbalances beyond 10-15 per session because the body is unable to detox out or process out, it will be mostly be a futile effort. The full session is designed to release around 12-15 imbalances.
Processing Time
Processing Time is the period or downtime for some in which is your body releasing any trapped emotions, rearranging energy and renewing communications to previously blocked areas in your body. This may be recognised as being tired, thirsty, feeling emotional. Any of these may be experienced or not at all, it depends on each individual. These usually pass in a day or two. You need to keep hydrated, so sip water frequently whilst processing.
For every session, I will be using a mix of reiki techniques and emotion code healing and my intuitive abilities to help you release the energetic imbalances in you. It is important to remove the energetic subconscious imbalances blocking your path forward in life as they function as invisible stumbling blocks and trap you into living in the past instead of being 100% engaged and conscious in present. For every trapped emotion and trauma released or heart walls removal— I will be replacing the space with positive affirmations. My aim is to help you be aligned to the best version of yourself- body, mind and soul.
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