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Daily Cosmic Ritual 26th July

Daily Cosmic Ritual 26th July

YUNIVERSE SPEAKS Custom DIY Candle Healing Ritual

Theme for 26th July: Healing feeling inauthentic 
Materials Needed:
- Any candle 🕯️
- Matches or a lighter 🔥
- A comfortable space for meditation 🧘‍♀️
- Journal and pen 📓🖊️
- Magick oils of Grounding, Psychic, Saturn in Piscesl, Hush!, Severing, Empathic Shield, Hanged Man (or either lavender or sandalwood for relaxation) 🌿
- Root, Heart Crystals (amethyst or rose quartz for healing and love) 💎
- Soft background music or nature sounds 🎶

Preparation of your Space
Welcome, dear soul. As we embark on this sacred journey, ensure you create a sanctuary for your spirit.
1. Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed
YY: Choose a place that resonates with peace and positive energy. This could be a corner of your home where you feel most at ease or even a special spot in nature.

2. Set up your candle in front of you and place your crystals around it
YY: Arrange your crystals in a circle around the candle to amplify the energy. Visualise this circle as a protective barrier that invites only love and light.

3. Light some incense or apply essential oils to create a calming atmosphere
YY: As the scent fills the air, imagine it cleansing away any lingering negativity. Inhale deeply, and let the fragrance soothe your soul.

4. Play soft background music or nature sounds to enhance relaxation
YY: Let the sounds transport you to a serene place. Imagine yourself surrounded by gentle waves, rustling leaves, or the soft chirping of birds.


Centre Yourself
Let’s centre our minds and bodies, bringing focus to the now.
1. Sit comfortably with your spine straight
YY: Your posture is your connection to the cosmos. Sit tall, imagining a golden thread gently pulling you upward.

2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth
YY: With each breath, feel yourself becoming more grounded. Let go of the past and future, anchoring yourself in this moment.

3. Allow your mind to settle and focus on the present moment
YY: Envision any racing thoughts as clouds drifting away, leaving your mind clear and calm.

Light the Candle
This flame is your beacon, guiding you through your spiritual journey.
1. As you light the candle, set your intention for this meditation
- You might say something like, “I light this candle to illuminate my fears and affirm that I have everything I need to succeed. I am full of the energy required for everything I need to do, think, and feel. I am valuable.

YY: As the flame flickers to life, see it as a spark of divine light within you. Allow this light to grow, filling you with warmth and guidance.

Explore your Truth
1. Visualise the magical energies of Sedna, Pluto, and Black Moon Lilith surrounding you. Silently affirm: "I honour my truth and share it boldly with the world."
YY: Reflect on any truths you feel called to express. Let these thoughts flow freely. 

2. Inner Exploration with Chiron- Reflect on any vulnerabilities or hidden wounds that need healing.  Silently affirm: "I dive deep into my vulnerabilities with self-compassion and kindness."
YY: Allow these feelings to surface without judgement.

3. Set a clear intention for your inner work during Chiron's retrograde. Silently affirm: "I show kindness to myself and embrace the journey of deep inner healing/" Speak it out aloud or write it .
YY: Place your hands over your heart and breathe deeply, sending love and compassion to yourself. 

4. Visualise the Sun in Leo infusing you with confidence and motivation. Feel this energy filing your body. Silently affirm: "I embrace confidence and fresh energy, allowing my true self to shine brightly." 
YY: Imagine a gentle breeze airing your wounds, bringing fresh energy and healing light into your life.
Visualise the Healing Energy
Ear Clearing Visualisation 🔮👂
1. Tilt your head to the right and expose your left ear.
2. In your mind’s eye, construct a funnel shape and direct the point of the funnel towards the opening in your ear.
3. magine this special two-way funnel circulates a shaft of warm, healing, bluish light into the spiraled structure of your inner ear.
4. As the light unwinds its coiled structure, it clears out anything clogging the ear. See outdated or negatively charged words, images, beliefs, and ideas attaching to the light like ornaments.
5. Allow any debris, excessive wax, or microorganisms to cling to the light. Each time the shaft of light picks up an object, it turns a deeper blue.
6. Once you feel your eardrum has been properly cleared, remove the funnel structure and discard it.
7. Imagine creating, in the palm of your hand, a pyramidal structure embedded with ancient Egyptian healing energy. Place the point of the pyramid into the entrance of the eardrum.
8. Allow healing words, symbols, chants, and prayers to unravel into your ear and coat it completely and fully. Your left ear is now laced with ancient divinity and will receive only what aligns with your true purpose and sacred path.
9. Bring your head to center, take a deep breath, and see the breath traveling not only to the depths of your belly but also to your ears. When you exhale, see all you need to release being expelled through the breath and out your ears.

YY: As you clear your ear, open yourself to hear with compassion and love. Allow the divine messages to fill your heart with warmth and clarity. Release and Renew: Gently let go of any negativity or outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. Embrace this moment of renewal, knowing you are aligning with your highest good.

For the Right Ear:
• Repeat the same exercise with the right ear, tilting your head to the left to expose your right ear.
YY: Embrace Clarity: Dear one, as you clear your right ear, welcome the clarity and wisdom that flow into your life.

Meditate with Nourishing Sounds:
Now, focus on your unique essence and the path ahead.
1.Find a sound that is nourishing for you—whether it be the sound of holding your ear to a conch shell, being in nature, or using a small musical instrument to play a couple of pacifying notes.
YY: Focus only on the sounds during the meditation. See the sounds traveling into your ears, carrying out any stuck auditory debris.

Journal Your Insights
Capture the wisdom gained in this sacred space.
1.What insights am I feeling called to express at this time?
YY: Return slowly, bringing the calm and insights with you.

2. How can I contribute to the collective magic in my community or the world?
YY: Your journal is a sacred record. Honour it with your truths.

3. What vulnerabilities or wounds do I need to explore during this retrograde?
YY: Let your written words guide your actions. They hold the keys to your future.

Affirmations and Gratitude:
Anchor your experiences with affirmations and thanks.
1. Speak affirmations out loud or silently, such as:
- “I trust in the collective magic and allow myself to rest and recharge."
- “I respond to what I hear in an authentic way for me.”
- “My ears help me pay attention to what I need to hear”
YY: These affirmations strengthen your resolve. Let them resonate deeply within you.
2. Take a moment to express gratitude for any specific aspects of your life.
YY: Gratitude is a powerful force. It attracts more blessings into your life.


Close the Ritual:
Seal the energy with reverence and gratitude.
1. Gently blow out the candle, visualising your intentions being released into the universe.
YY: As the smoke rises, see your intentions carried to the cosmos, where they will be nurtured and fulfilled.

2. Thank the cosmic energies, your soul, and any other elements that assisted you during this ritual.
YY: Acknowledge the unseen forces that support you. Their presence is a gift.

3. Take a few more deep breaths and slowly bring your awareness back to the room.
YY: Re-enter your space with a renewed sense of purpose and peace.


Extra Activity:
Nil for this ritual
Reminder: Perform this ritual whenever you feel the need to reconnect with your inner self and the cosmic energies. It can be particularly powerful during significant astrological events or when you seek clarity and transformation.

YY& Yuniverse Speaks team

Embrace the magic within you. Let the universe speak through you. 🌌💖

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