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Pre-Full Moon in Aquarius 20th August DIY Ritual

Pre-Full Moon in Aquarius 20th August DIY Ritual

Greetings, beloved soul. In this powerful Full Moon in Aquarius ritual, we focus on releasing deep-seated feelings of stress, self-doubt, and emotional entanglements that keep you from living authentically. We will incorporate visualisation, candles, and crystals to help guide you through detoxing these energies and replacing them with affirmations that support your true path. 

This ritual encourages you to release the belief that you are responsible for everyone’s happiness, that others' opinions matter more than your own, and that life is too painful for you to show up as your true self. Instead, you will welcome empowerment, self-trust, and the liberation of your spirit, with the affirmations provided.

Step 1: Set Your Space and Intention

  1. Set the Scene:
    • Gather your relevant candle and the Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra crystals 
  2. Begin by creating your sacred space. Light your White Candle or Ultimate Protection Candle to provide a protective, clearing energy, or light your Inner Detox Candle to focus on emotional cleansing and renewal.
  3. Place your Third Eye Chakra Crystals (such as Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli) or Crown Chakra Crystals (such as Clear Quartz or Selenite) around you, forming a circle or grid for added protection and insight.
  4. Let the space be filled with an energy of safety, purity, and clarity, as the light of the candle symbolises your journey into freedom and self-truth.
  1. Intention:

    • With your eyes closed, speak your intention aloud. "I release the burdens that do not belong to me. I free myself from the chains of stress, judgment, and expectations that have weakened my spirit. I embrace clarity, peace, and self-liberation. I allow the light of this Full Moon to guide me toward my authentic self."
  2. Grounding the Energy of Rebellion and Weakness: The energy of Aquarius can bring rebellion, but without focus, it can lead to conflict and weakness. We will begin by grounding this energy and transforming it into strength.
  3. Visualisation: Imagine a golden, viscous liquid in a delicate vial before you. This liquid represents grounding, strength, and clarity. Slowly pour it into your hands, gently rubbing your palms together. Place your hands on your scalp, massaging gently. As the liquid spreads across your scalp and down your spine, imagine the flame of your candle burning steadily, grounding and centring your energy. Visualise this liquid travelling down through your body, turning your rebelliousness into focused purpose and transforming weakness into inner strength. With each breath, feel this grounding liquid travel deep into the earth, connecting you with a steady and strong foundation.
  4. Releasing the Need to Escape and the Burden of Others’ Opinions: Aquarius energy can sometimes encourage detachment or escapism when things become overwhelming. Let’s detox these feelings.
  5. Visualisation 2: Hold your Third Eye or Crown Chakra Crystals in your hands, or place them near you. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Begin by acknowledging the thoughts you want to release: "I want to escape because my spirit is so weak. I am so stressed and ready to blow off my top. I am responsible for everyone’s happiness. Others' opinions of me matter more than my own. Life is too painful for me to participate as my true self."
    As you acknowledge these thoughts, imagine them forming into small, dark clouds that sit above your head. Visualise a breeze—carrying the energy of the Full Moon—gently blowing these dark clouds away, dissipating them into the light. Let these clouds disappear, releasing the weight they carry. As the clouds vanish, feel the energy of your crystals glowing, providing insight and clarity. See the flame of your candle flickering softly, guiding you into a place of calm. Your spirit begins to feel lighter, and your thoughts become clearer.
  6. Detox and Realignment: As the Full Moon shines, let’s continue detoxing these emotional patterns and reconnect with our inner truth.
  7. Visualisation 3: Visualise the stress, judgments, and external pressures as heavy, old layers covering your body. You are ready, beloved soul. Step into your power and let your dreams take flight. You are a beacon of light, and your journey is blessed. As you pour from the first vial of golden liquid (representing clarity and detoxification), imagine this liquid dissolving these heavy layers. Each drop releases the feelings that you are responsible for others' happiness, that others’ opinions matter more than your own, and that life is too painful for you to be your true self. These layers dissolve away, revealing a lighter, more authentic version of you. As you breathe deeply, see the energy of your crystals surrounding you, protecting you as you shed these old layers. Feel yourself becoming clearer, lighter, and freer.
  8. Embrace Affirmations of Liberation: Now, we replace the old, limiting beliefs with affirmations that reflect your new alignment and inner truth.
  9. Visualisation 4: Picture yourself standing in front of a mirror. The reflection is a beautiful, harmonious version of yourself—free from entanglements and burdens. Envision yourself stepping into this reflection, fully merging with it. As you do, repeat the following affirmations aloud or in your mind:

    - "I shed layers of my being that are incongruent with my life path."
    - "I am free from entanglements that serve me incorrectly."
    - "I value my judgment and trust in my inner wisdom."
    - "My thoughts liberate my true self into a realm of creativity."
    - "My inner journey takes me from my head into my heart."

    Feel these affirmations becoming a part of your being. Let your third eye or crown chakra crystals glow with a radiant light, amplifying your connection to your higher self. Visualise your candle's flame growing brighter, symbolising your empowerment and self-trust.
  10. Full Moon Mantra: As you finish the ritual, breathe in deeply and speak aloud:
    "I release what no longer serves me. I let go of the burdens that do not belong to me. I embrace clarity, strength, and peace. I walk my true path with confidence, guided by my inner wisdom. I am free, I am whole, I am aligned with my highest self."
  11. Closing the Ritual:Take a few moments to breathe deeply. Feel the energy of your third eye and crown crystals integrating into your being, and visualise any lingering tension or distractions flowing down through your body, out through your feet, and into the earth to be absorbed. Picture the light of your candle wrapping around you in a protective cocoon, ensuring that your newfound clarity, peace, and sense of self remain intact.

Tips: Journal your experiences immediately after the ritual to anchor the new energy in your conscious mind. Let the Aquarius full moon guide you in identifying the areas of your life where you can continue to release what no longer serves you and fully embrace your authentic self.

This flow helps to cleanse and release the mind, body, and spirit while realigning you with your true path and strengthening your self-worth, creativity, and inner wisdom. The power of the Aquarius full moon, combined with your candles and crystals, supports your transformation and liberation into a life lived in alignment with your highest self.

YY& YuniverseSpeaks team 

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