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Weekly Energy Forecast 17th January to 23rd January

Weekly Energy Forecast 17th January to 23rd January

Card Pull for the Collective post Full-Moon:

17th& 18th January- Energies leading up to Full Moon
Neptune+Pallas final conjunction in Pisces- for almost a whole year, the Collective been pressed to find solutions to problems in ways that are patient, have a sense of humanity and intuitive. This three prong approach stemming from energies between Pallas and Neptune has helped us to identify invisible patterns at work in our lives, both personally and collectively and taught us something about the knowing of our intuition, and also the over-aggressive knowing + attachment of the ego. 

Full Moon write-up can be found here

18th& 19th January- Ceres conjunct Sedna can feel like the emotional need for future and care. Focus of energy is in giving yourself enough support and structure for support in your routines, in your day to day living, learning how to take care of needs at every aspect. How can your own vital force be generated in a sustaining manner within self?
- Mercury sextile Chiron energy is bringing up what hurts deep within for a flushing so alot of you might be seeing it in dreams, feeling emotions unknown or finding it hard to exactly express it in words. Learn to release what you feel, learn to hear what you feel, be open to receiving the energy's message even if it is an energy you have suppressed for a long long time. 
- Uranus going direct is bringing a message of it's not about intentionality or how strong your desire is when it comes to sprouting seeds, the condition of self while holding the intentionality matter, the energy feedback from the growth of the seed matters- what does this mean? If the seed you are growing is telling you "hey, stop feeding me with so much fertilisers, growing too fast will shorten my lifespan in the long-run"... do you listen? What about "I need more fertiliser to be strong, to grow sturdy"- do you listen and provide without expecting faster visible growth just because of more output? Do you allow yourself to listen neutrally without any projections. Energy extend beyond just a focal point/point of concentration, it is around... so when it comes to space- do you recycle energies that help sustain your regeneration in a positive manner?
- North Node moving into Taurus, South Node into Scorpio (will share more about this in another post), but often such movement comes with an intense Collective decluttering (it's worse if you self-identified as an energy hoarder) because it's around a new way of connecting and utilisation of resources. Like the flush that Collective needs to evolve. 
For some, it can be a difficult period emotionally.
- Vesta in Capricorn brings about energy supporting discipline and devotion. You use this energy to devote to yourself for self-care, your favourite projects or to like take a first step towards a new way of being or path. 

20th January- Sun in Aquarius 
Important to have some objectivity and distance while in this two tricky retrogrades, give yourself some space to manoeuvre and space for reinvention. Hearing perhaps you might want to explore your eccentricities or be more authentic with your way of being. Energy supporting creative group ingenuity. 

21st& 22nd January- Card pull since no major influence (but do read up on Full Moon and if you still have capacity to work on self, get the MR help)


23rd January- Midpoint of Mercury Retrograde
Review the past, look at what is now illuminated. Hearing a combined discipline of mind, emotion and body opens the way to healing on all levels- healing of imbalances. Be careful of any energy of neglect. 

"Civilisation implies a process of transcending compulsive and rigid biological drives while making use, in a refined and mentalized way, of what it cannot control. The goal of a true civilisation — Western civilisation being to a large extent a caricature of it — is the development of a humanity composed of self-motivated and responsible individuals freely associating according to harmonic patterns in order to produce a vast spiritual chord of consciousness fully actualising the potentialities inherent in the archetype, MAN."- Meditate on this paragraph


Have a great weekend!





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